

A culinary operating system 
that every department 
actually likes to use

Connect planning, finance, purchasing, and kitchen teams in one central workspace built just for foodservice organizations.

Logo-Red. Lobster

It’s Time To Build A Modern Back of House

We’re in the era of breakneck efficiency. There’s no room for kitchen tasks getting lost in translation, planning based on last month’s food cost calculations, or rummaging through email for the latest recipe version. Galley is a culinary operating system that connects the dots of your food data across all your systems, locations, and teams. And when everyone’s work is integrated in real time, the efficiency gains are endless.

The Everyone’s Burned Out Way
Landing Page Graphic Burned out Way - V3
The Galley Way
Landing Page Graphic GalleyWay - V3

Create recipes, build menus, and cost all of it—instantly.

All your food data, interconnected, ready to be shaped. Train and collaborate with your team on one source of truth.

✔︎ Centralized recipe hub
✔︎ Recipe sharing & training
✔︎ Real-time food costing
✔︎ Menu planning
✔︎ Vendor/EDI Integration


“Galley sits at the heart of what we do, from a development perspective.” 

— Ellis McCue, CEO Territory Foods

Master kitchen productivity with less stress and error.

Galley finds the best ways to produce food using real-time data. Intuitively designed for cooks and kitchens—not just back offices.

✔︎ Real-time inventory
✔︎ Two-click purchase and procurement
✔︎ UX that actually gets used in the kitchen
✔︎ Automated, standardized production guides
✔︎ Kitchen task management


“I know to the penny how much our production runs cost, and I'm able to predict profitability. I can also tie all of the ingredients to each food vendor, which makes ordering very simple.”

— Rachelle Slotnick, Owner at Evermade Foods


Make data-driven decisions with measurable impact.

Track what matters and improve across the business. Galley unlocks clean, scalable data that  gives you the ability to make positive changes.

✔︎ Quantify operational efficiency, then improve it
✔︎ Design recipes and menus for optimal margins
✔︎ Reduce food waste through smarter tracking
✔︎ Forecast food costs and plan for growth
✔ Track and improve labor efficiency


Galley has transformed our business processes and made it possible to improve production efficiency, mitigate inflationary pressures, and foster culinary collaboration across the company.”

- Derek Carbonneau, Chief Technology & Marketing Officer at Meriwether-Godsey

Connect anything with API accessibility.

As an API-first product, we believe in the power of connectivity and shared data. We also like to make that sharing happen quickly and efficiently.

✔ Open Food API
✔︎ Integrate in weeks not months
✔︎ Increase the value of your existing technology stack
✔︎ Create one source of truth for all of your food data


"Before Galley, people had to work in several distinct systems... one for production, one for nutrition, and another for customers such as mobile apps. Galley gave us an opportunity to collapse those activities in to one source of truth."

— Chef Matt Thompson, Chief Culinary Officer at Harvest Table



Schedule a Demo

See how the Galley helps you take control of the most important components of your culinary operation.

We’d love to support your growth with easy-to-use features and simple workflows that alleviate frustrating manual calculations and dismantles traditional time consuming activities, such as:

  • Menus & planning
  • Inventory, purchasing, & production
  • Technology & overhead

To get a personalized introduction to Galley, we just need some information and one of our team members will schedule time with you!



Transform Your Operation

What Galley-Powered Food Businesses Do Better


Simplify Production.

Produce more efficiently than ever. Galley learns your processes and creates production guides that reduce over-purchasing, waste, and labor costs.


Understand Food Costs.

Thousands of ingredients? No problem. Connect vendors for real-time food costing, develop high-margin recipes and increase the profitability of your menu.


Optimize Purchasing.

Restock in seconds. Galley tracks current inventory and historical data across all locations to generate optimized purchase orders in two clicks.


Centralize Everything.

A single source of truth for all your food data and kitchen operations. Manage your growing food empire via a modern cloud-based platform.


Increase Revenue.

Open new channels and revenue opportunities with a few clicks rather than getting buried by data entry.


Embrace Innovation.

Create and adapt recipes and menus to meet shifting demands with industry-leading R&D collaboration. Ship menu updates to all your teams in record time.

Nobody wants to use software 
that looks like it’s from the 90s.

That’s why we designed Galley to feel natural to use and easy on the eyes—then won an award for it.
